2024 Conference

November 8th-9th, European University Institute

A schedule of events is now available below.

European University Institute.
Day Time Room Authors Paper Title
Friday AM Chairs 1 David Bearce
2 Erica Owen
3 Ken Scheve
Friday 9:15 AM 1 Cameron Ballard-Rosa, Layna Mosley, Hannah Loeffler Credit Ratings, Information Transparency, and Political Survival
2 Christina Davis, Qi Liu The Structure of International Cooperation Networks
3 Krzysztof Pelc, Vince Hopkins Partisan Identity Impedes Labor Market Transition
Friday 9:45 AM 1 Ebehi Iyoha, Edmund Malesky Exports in Disguise: Trade Re-Routing during the US-China Trade War
2 Theo Serlin Gravity's Politics
3 Hannah Loef, Amy Pond Political Opposition to Foreign Home Ownership
Friday 10:15 AM 1 Alma Velazquez Sowing Discontent: Examining the unpopularity of land-intensive FDI
2 Kyuwon Lee, Felipe Balcazar Bureaucrats and the Constraints of Embedded Liberalism: Evidence from the Trade Adjustments Assistance
3 Lingbo Zhao Supply Chains and Political Strategies: Analyzing Firm Responses to the EU's Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism
Friday 11:00 AM 1 Mengfan Cheng Electoral Cycle and Sovereign Choice of Creditors: Evidence from Africa
2 Tyler Ditmore, Eric Parajon International Economic Competition as a Catalyst for Climate Coalitions: Converting Climate Skeptics in the United States
3 Hongyi She Learning About Trade
Friday 11:30 AM 1 Ana Carolina Garriga, Michael Gavin Beyond conditionality: The IMF‚ balance sheet and central bank design
2 Claas Mertens Weaponized Interdependence: International Monopolies as Determinants of State Power
3 Benjamin Helms, Junghyun Lim Left Behind to Get Ahead: Globalization, Internal Migration, and Political Change in Emerging Economies
Friday 12:00 PM 1 Kerim Can Kavakli, Valentino D'Angelo Explaining FDI Responsiveness to Human Rights Violations: The Role of CEO Characteristics
2 Kee Hyun Park Firm Connectivity and Demands for Trade Protection under Global Value Chains
3 Ka Zeng, Jialu Li Returning Home: Explaining the Location Choice of American Firms‚ Backshoring Projects
Friday 12:30 PM 1 Jihye Park, Randall Stone Firms Lobbying for Preferential Trade
2 Jon Pevehouse, Allison Myren Deflection and International Financial Institutions
3 Mark Kayser, Tom Arend Cross-Border Income Shocks and the Green Vote
Friday PM Chairs 1 Rachel Wellhausen
2 James Morrison
3 Stefanie Walter
Friday 2:30 PM 1 Yotam Margalit, Sun Eun Kim Does Attracting Investments also Attract Voters? The Political Impact of Domestic and Foreign Investments
2 Daniel Jones, Erica Owen Relative exposure to negative economic shocks and racial resentment
3 Pietro Bomprezzi, Axel Dreher Wedded to Prosperity? Informal Influence and Regional Favoritism
Friday 3:00 PM 1 Leopoldo Biffi, Thomas Schultz When Does ISDS Go Too Far? The Political Sensitivity of Arbitral Claims and the Reduction of Investor Protection in BITs
2 Hein Roelfsema, Yi Zhang Contact imperfections and political connections
3 Leon, Kockaya, Sam Sharman Announcing Fixed Exchange Rate Regimes: Why States Lie about Floating
Friday 3:30 PM 1 Margaret Peters, Yang-Yang Zhou, Daniel Rojas Dignity of Migrants and Second Order Beliefs: Behavioral Games with Venezuelan Migrants and Colombians in Colombia
2 Chloe Ahn Elite Influence on International Politicization of Economic Organizations
3 Michael Allen, Zoe Ge Zoning Out Democracy: Autocratic Survival through Global Commercial Enclaves
Friday 4:15 PM 1 Nicolas Idrobo Why Economic Sanctions Backfire
2 Alessandro Guasti, Matthew Amengual Exporting, Firm-specific Institutions, and Labor Conditions: Evidence from Garment Industry Workers
3 Puspa Amri Is there a Credit Constituency Beyond Crisis Times? Inequality, Bank Credit and Voting in Advanced Economies
Friday 4:45 PM 1 Robert Gulotty, Jake Alton Jares Made Whole (Grain): Field Crop Farmers and Political Responses to the MFP
2 Jing Qian, James Vreeland, Jianzhi (Jason) Zhao In-Group Punishment in International Relations: U.S. Reaction to the Founding of China's AIIB
3 Kerim Can Kavakli, Catherine De Vries Economic Hardship and Support for Ukraine: Causal Evidence from Multi-Country Surveys
Day Time Room Authors Paper Title
Saturday AM Chairs 1 Tom Pepinsky
2 Rachel Wellhausen
3 James Morrison
Saturday 9:15 AM 1 Ida Bastiaens, Celeste Beesley Protectionism, Parenthood, Motherhood: The Impact of Children on Trade Attitudes
2 Aina Gallego, Alexander Kuo, Shir Raviv Regulating the Digital Frontier: Public Opinion and the Future of AI
3 Leonardo Baccini, John Hicks, Paula Rettl Populism and Political Trust: Evidence from Latin America
Saturday 9:45 AM 1 Paolo Agnolin, Massimo Anelli Robots Replacing Trade Unions: Novel Data and Evidence from Western Europe
2 Anne Jamison, Witold Henisz From Aid to Investment: A Comparative Analysis of Private-Sector and Traditional Funding Modalities
3 Solomon Owusu, Keyi Tang China-Ties and Low Carbon Industrialization in Africa
Saturday 10:15 AM 1 Xiaojun Li, Jiwei Qian A Conjoint Experiment of Manufacturers under Global Supply Chain Challenges
2 Miles Kellerman International Detection Cooperation
3 Sichen Li National Security and Support for Protectionism: Evidence from a Survey Experiment with Chinese Firm Managers
Saturday 11:00 AM 1 Jordy Weyns The Role of States and Interest Groups in Varieties of Geoeconomics: The Case of Export Credit Agencies
2 Sujin Cha Political Motives in Subsidy Distribution: A Firm-Level Analysis of US Industrial Policy
3 Matteo Grigoletto, Marcel Caesmann Censorship in Democracy
Saturday 11:30 AM 1 Avi Ahuja Africa Beyond Aid? The Effects of Aid Withdrawal on Party Competition in sub-Saharan Africa
2 Costin Ciobanu, Riccardo Di Leo The Political Impact of Job Creation and Destruction Announcements: Evidence from the United Kingdom
3 Valeria Lauria Adaptive Convergence: The Shaping of China and EU Financing Strategies in African Infrastructure
Saturday 12:00 PM 1 Siyao Li, Jian Xu Domestic Innovation Support and MNC Activities
2 Nikhar Gaikwad, Kolby Hanson Bringing Autocracy Home? How Migration to Autocracies Shapes Migrants' Support for Democracy
3 Anne Jamison, Yumi Park Navigating the Nexus: Multinational Corporations, Regulatory Capture, and Foreign Direct Investment
Saturday 12:30 PM 1 Megumi Noi Consumer Backlash against Globalization: Evidence from 233 million Amazon Product Reviews
2 Didac Queralt Her Majesty's Aid: Imperial Subsidies and State Building in the Late British Empire
3 Mark Copelovitch, Michael Wagner Have You Heard About the Terrible Economy? Media Use, Political Networks, & Public Opinion in the United States and Germany
Saturday PM Chairs 1 David Bearce
2 Leonardo Baccini
3 Stefanie Walter
Saturday 2:30 PM 1 Stephen Chaudoin, Nita Rudra Can the Left and Right Ever Agree on Redistribution and Responses to Economic Shocks?
2 Ze Han, Helen Milner Globalization, Economic Insecurity, and Electoral Populism in the United States, 1870-1909
3 Yotam Margalit, Shir Raviv How AI Automation Affects Workers Performance and Political Preferences: Evidence from a Field Experiment
Saturday 3:00 PM 1 Puspa Amri, Florence Bouvet Does Economic News Influence Elections? Evidence from 400 million articles, 1980-2021
2 Jason Anastasopoulos Electrifying Extremism? Rural Electrificiation and Democratic Backsliding in the Early 20th Century United States
3 Pei-Yu Wei, Zhizhen Lu Firm-Level Experiment on Sanction Compliance and Supply Chain Partner Choice: The Drivers of Firm Risk Perception and Sanction Compliance
Saturday 3:30 PM 1 Harry Oppenheimer Does Privacy Pay? How the Internet Punishes Firms Spying for Governments
2 Tim Heinkelmann-Wild, Tom Hunter Perfect Scapegoats? Blaming and Defending the International Monetary Fund
3 Monica Widmann Information Clearinghouse: Market Implications of US Judicial Decisions
Saturday 4:15 PM 1 Martina Ferracane, Bernard Hoekman, Filippo Santi, and Erik van der Marel Digital Trade, Data Protection and EU Adequacy Decisions
2 Manfred Elsig, Soo Yeon Kim Connecting Regimes: Preferential Trade Agreements and the Management of the Intellectual Property Rights Regime
3 Qi Liu, Layna Mosley Investor Reactions to New Sovereign Obligations: Bond Market Responses to Chinese Loans
Saturday 4:45 PM 1 James Bisbee, Megan Brown Small Dollars & Globalization: How Layoffs Translate to Costly Political Action
2 Lauren Ferry, Junghyun Lim, Nina Obermeier Breadth and Depth? The Effect of Eurozone and Schengen Expansion on EU Legitimacy
3 Paula Rettl Turning Away From the State: Trade Shocks and Informal Insurance in Brazil
Saturday 5:15 PM 1 Michael Allen, Gautam Nair Buying Influence: Consumers, Big Retail, and Global Economic Integration
2 Christina Davis, Ruofan Ma Sanction Spillover and Trade Diversification
3 Timm Betz, Leonhard Hummel Production Networks and U.S. Anti-Dumping Petitions